
Responsible Operations

As a manufacturer of baby products and luxury products, we first consider the safety and quality of our products and our responsibility to the environment. We understand the impact of our operations on the livelihoods of our employees and neighboring communities. Operating policies.

We have formulated and formulated relevant policies in accordance with the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and international standards stipulated in the International Labour Organization. (ILO) Convention, the British Modern Slavery Act and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its covenants.

Workers are the backbone of the company, and we have a responsibility to ensure that they are provided with a decent and safe place to live and work. In order to promote more harmonious work and social relations in our operations, we have put in a lot of effort and systems to provide a more favorable working and living environment for our workers and their families.

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